Your analysis, Umair, is thoughtful.
I certainly agree that the underpinnings of a global economic system of infinite production (powered by fossil fuels) and infinite consumption (supporting a utopia of democratic capitalism) have collapsed.
That fever dream of the West has come to naught.
Unfortunately, the climate consequences of hyper-consumption have transferred to a rapidly heating earth.
The climate crisis our choices created is now dictating the convergence of human struggle (economic, political, food energy) toward the basics of survival.
My prejudice against complex answers leads me to envision that human survival will depend on the actions of local communities and small enclaves of cooperative people.
The time of a globalized approach to human economic logic and systems of governance has ended as humanity struggles to push through the rapidly developing severity of weather and climate poly-crises that drive the autocratic dictate of our new reality.
It’s the truth of our time that our leaders and most people for that matter do not fully appreciates how far off course we are from any harmonious convergence that involves Nature retreating before the irritating edge of human ambition.
We cannot democratize a way out of the hole we have dug.