You make good points Umair about our past sins and our skewed social/economic systems that got us (over the last 100 years or so) to the crisis for human survival that is accelerating now toward a mid-century catastrophe. The Earth as a planetary organism is adjusting and resetting its systems to cope with all the CO2, methane, and other pollutants that modern-day humans have unleashed into the atmosphere and in other areas of the natural habitat that has sustained the life we are familiar with for millennia. Unfortunately, the planetary reset will not consider human wishes for survival during this period of chaos that is winding up and and will unwind following natural laws that define reality for our universe. The changes occurring as we enter chaos will not be favorable for complex systems that require massive amounts of energy and constant external support to sustain themselves. It’s possible that if most of the human population dies off before 2050 that CO2 pollution and so forth will recede in a way that will ameliorate the forces of global heating so that the planet can find a new equilibrium that will allow some hope for a human civilization to continue in a modified format: that is, a population that is smaller in numbers and more attuned to the planetary intelligence that sustains the Earth as a habitable gem in a hostile universe. But the grim reality for the near term is less upbeat. As our human systems fail there will be great suffering, war, nuclear radiation, and unbelievable disease, rot, and horror. Any humans who do survive will be psychologically impacted and our genetic makeup will be challenged so that our species will be different on the other side of the great divergence that is rapidly building to conclusion this century.