You have written an excellent retrospective summary of the climate science. The projections for global warming are very sobering; and the scary facts do not moderate as new evidence is obtained in real time. Looking at human nature and our modern embrace of continuous growth as our pathway to our highest achievements I cannot see how we avoid calamity. Some people envision that if we can colonize space we will save ourselves and have a chance to re-wild the Earth for future generations. Or maybe we are clever enough to engineer deep decarbonization of our atmosphere to save ourselves. But the most recent extrapolations of how long we have until we hit the tipping points that cause ever-increasing feedbacks that quickly push the planet toward a hothouse scenario are coming in now as being 3-5 years or maybe 10 years. We aren’t talking about having another generation to get our act together. Maybe we also need a “science of societal collapse.” What points in the atmospheric heating, desertification and the melting of tundra, rising seas, and the awakening of viral diseases (and so on) push human societies into panic? Panic leads to death and the unraveling of long-held norms needed for societies to function. There have to be people of power among us who have a good idea of where society is heading as our climate emergency is accelerating. What are those people doing? How are they planning for 2035 and 2100?