You are a clever guy and you write well. From my perspective you know your facts and you can look at disaster with serious humor; but I don’t see the profit from flogging COVID conspiracies. People want COVID restrictions to be over. Most people I know don’t think the virus is gone. People still mask up if they are personally concerned about health. It’s just part of life now. Some other virus will probably spread out among us soon enough but the idea that a government can control a virus by controlling the habits and sociability of people over a long period of time is not workable. People have decided that death is preferred over not being able to freely congregate. Some will wear masks and some won’t. Some will not go to a mall and some will. It does a government no good to get into the game of sequestering people at home. People resist such control even if they might think the virus is still around or that they might get long COVID or even die. I think people know is some manner that constant growth capitalism is not sustainable; but they just can’t give up the habit. Restrictions on freedom of movement and work and play just become politically unsustainable .