Umair, your instincts about the climate crisis are informed and sober. I don’t disagree with you about the human causes of the climate disaster we are in right now. Or how bad of a situation we are facing. But do we really have three decades before it’s “end game” for humanity? I fear that we passed the tipping point 10 years ago, and we are in the acceleration phase of the crisis right now. I’m pretty sure that in the USA (at least) our two-party political structure, constitutional law, and ideal of fair play are already collapsing. Political and societal divisions rule now in America and it will only get worse as the fires and super-storms worsen at a speed of change we can’t cope with rationally. Our collective cognitive abilities across the spectrum of humanity are not developed enough to allow for dramatic actions of sacrifice to save ourselves as a group or as part of a web of complex life that is interconnected. Think about the fascist Trump movement and how long that mindset will linger in American politics. At a minimum we will burn 8 years (or more) of social turmoil (abetted by Russia, China, Iran, and the likes of Fox News) as white nationalists push to end democracy and establish a Taliban-type rule in America that will probably cause a constitutional collapse to be followed by regional realignments among the 50 states. That will be time lost to seriously addressing our climate challenge. We have entered “ugly times” and they will be getting uglier fast.