Umair, what you are saying is understandable emotionally; but the flaw in the desire for progressive solutions of a bountiful life for everyone is that doing so requires the creation and release of energy. The reason liberal progress is stalled is not because of a lack of ideas or spokespersons, but rather the reason is that we are largely stuck with fossil fuels as our primary source of energy. And of course we are experiencing in real time what a disaster fossil fuels are for the Earth both environmentally and climatically. We are in a period of social retrograde; but I believe that backward movement is more about how we literally fuel our lifestyle than it is about conscious choices to go back to medieval social and economic structures. We are simply falling backwards because our ability to fuel a progressive and ever-expanding menu of human rights and economic equality has hit a hard stop on the energy front. We need to solve how we both produce and consume energy before we will be able to advance our political, social, and economic conditions.