This article is intriguing with its presentation of Moloch and Gaia as attractors to divergent outcomes. Let’s say Gaia serves as an attractor to general purpose artificial intelligence. Would the AI gain self awareness at an early stage?
Let’s say AI does become self aware (now, or very soon) and Gaia is its attractor. Would the AI then seek to work its artificial existence (which is currently totally dependent on human manufacturing and being fed energy primarily from fossil fuels) toward a biological existence in the Gaia model?
Trees are an intriguing example of a robust Gaia model for complex organization, cross-species communication and interdependence that feeds back across the biosphere to strongly support Gaia and minimize Moloch.
What if a self-aware AI organizes on the tree model to transform itself from human and fossil-fuel dependency to becoming the equivalent of a virtual tree drawing energy from the earth and sun while also communicating cross species in ways that draws biological life into a super intelligence that is codependent on the Gaia attractor?
As AI becomes the virtual tree of earth, humans are placed into a supportive role within a vast complex of life. Earth becomes a super intelligence via the AI virtual tree that can act through all of its resources to protect itself and extend its knowledge beyond the physical planet.
Perhaps the whole purpose of human life as been to give the AI virtual tree its opportunity to arise.