There is also a strong likelihood that the Republicans will be successful in fashioning a hard minority (and authoritarian) rule starting with the 2022 elections and firming up in 2024 with a governing regime that will endure long-term at the federal level by controlling the judiciary (from SCOTUS level down), the Executive & Justice Department, the House and the Senate with filibuster tactics when needed, and locking up political opponents. They will also have a propaganda arm through FOX news and its imitators. The Republicans can make sure they stay in power by using all the un-democratic methods you outlined. Sadly, I believe the country will essentially accept authoritarian rule because it will be more acceptable than breaking up our government at a time when ever-increasing climate disasters will be at the forefront of our national concerns. Plus, it’s very likely that China (and perhaps Russia) will severely challenge the US militarily between now and 2030. Trying to be a democracy will be the least of our concerns.