There are no innocents in fashioning governmental control within our prevailing economic systems. Our ideals of universal rights to food, healthcare, and the pursuit of happiness present and underlying evil (for the environment) as a righteous goal for human endeavor. As natural forces move to the immutable laws of physics all of the methane, CO2, and other poisonous materials produced by our fossil fuel production of power (and wealth) will only serve to shatter our dreams of equality. Mother Nature will kick us out of her garden to a torturous life of die-off and hard-scrabble survival. Human rights will become just having a bug to eat as a last meal. We are all fools who have been seduced by the intoxicating use of fossil fuels to amplify our power over natural limits, and to fuel our dreams of unlimited growth, unlimited rights, unlimited movement—life with no limits. Until of course our planet says enough!