The underlying belief today (as I see it) is that growth (having more) is fundamental to human activity. We are socialized to accept that 8 billion humans (and growing) should achieve a system of economic distribution of commodities that brings each person up to a standard of living that offers adequate food, healthcare, social mobility, and so on. As long as continual growth is the standard we seek to achieve as humans then capitalism will have a place in the scheme of how goods and services proliferate. But the natural planet on which we live to practice our unnatural ways is governed by the brutal laws of tooth and claw. Death is the limiting factor to all unfettered growth. We are currently overextended in our energy and resource use on a finite world. Perhaps we are collectively such a genius species that we will figure out how to supply our demands for energy and resources that power our growth without being dependent on our native planet: as in, better living through technology. On the other hand, it’s possible that the natural world on which we currently depend (by exploitation) will use the systems it has to control un-sustainable growth by killing off a species that is offensive to the planet because its people refuse to believe that having less can be more.