Thank you for your essay. Your presentation of the issues and the conclusions you draw from the available evidence seem pretty solid to me.
I’ve been focusing on the mainstream projections about the 1.5C warming threshold that will be crossed either in 2023 or by 2025.
When I see this kind of news about climate catastrophe in the “mainstream” media (not just an essay published on Medium) my thoughts bring me to a conclusion that our “terrible times” are here (locked in) and the disasters that are coming will not be mitigated in any meaningful way by government, global nonprofits, billionaires, or any existing echelon of our traditional powerbrokers.
Small communities and the individuals within networked support structures will be the engagement points for adaptation and survival during the unprecedented climate disruption that is ramping up to remake our planet’s weather and ecosystems.
The question is not if climate disaster is happening now and will be accelerating into a global catastrophe from 2023 and going forward; the uncertainty is really about how civilizational collapse will present itself. What will fail first?
My intuition leads me to believe that our complex corporate entities will stagger first. A leading indicator for business collapse will be the insurance industry along with mortgage companies. Both industries can only exist if the future is reliably predictable from past experience.
Once climate disasters begin to erase the past as prologue to what comes next, all of our complexity reliant on assumed stability will be unsustainable.
Farmers, bankers, lenders, military planners, project managers, politicians, and all who need reliable assumptions about what tomorrow will bring will be on the bleeding edge of our approaching failure as a technologically complex civilization.