Thank you for your article. Continuous growth on a planet with finite resources is a disaster for both humans and other forms of life on Earth. It’s my opinion that the actualization of a new paradigm focused on depopulation and conscious sustainability as a philosophy of living has no viable foothold in the modern human imagination about successful living. Therefore, only disaster will restructure the human relationship with our biosphere. There is a high probability that said disaster will be of such horrific magnitude that human life (at a minimum) will be reset to zero to allow a new and different predominant life form to emerge over a prolonged new era. But of course, the chances of a reformed human society emerging on the other side of catastrophe is not absolutely known to be zero; so perhaps the mantle of an intelligent consciousness that is both self-aware and curious will stay with the human species in a turbulent but evolving future. And perhaps a species specific memory will internalize an abhorrence for the industrial/capitalist folly that caused our overshoot into perdition. Thus, important lessons of what not to do will be internalized for the future generations (if such favor is granted to the human species) that evolve beyond our current folly.