Thank you for sharing your understanding about the human-caused climate emergency currently impacting our planet. There are many scientifically informed commentators on Medium who post about the climate disaster that is unfolding all around us in real time. My synthesis of the commentaries about the disaster are as follows: 1) the burning of fossil fuels along with resource depletion in a quest of continuous growth has put humanity on a fast track to disaster; 2) we passed the tipping point of atmospheric CO2 some years ago which has already locked in global warming that will take us well beyond the 1.5C rise; 3) the build up of CO2 has been so rapid that there is a lag time to nature reacting to the change, and this means there will be an unstoppable explosion of extreme climate effects over the rest of this decade as the heat rises like a bomb going off; 4) our modern society of supply chains, finance, governance, food production, and other interconnected processes supported by computer networks are unknowable to our full understanding which makes them fragile and subject to collapse during disruption; and 5) the unprecedented heat levels that will happen this decade will be a widespread killer for human life along with the other disasters of extreme weather events. The political, economic, and disruptive consequences of the upheaval will be dramatic and shifting. Therefore adoptive measures to slow the climate disruption will be difficult to plan and implement effectively. The likely outcome to finding a new planetary equilibrium will be directed by Nature and not by human design.