Speaking for myself, I do not like wearing a mask. People in general do not wear masks well, some with noses uncovered, or masks that are not much of a filter. If I'm sick, I will wear a mask and try to avoid crowds. Polictically, mask mandates and closing businesses where people gather are political poison and economic dumpster fires. People want to be social and get on with living. Trying to stop a virus with forced isolation or even mandated vaccines kills societal cohesion and produces extreme counter-reactions. One can know the truth about viruses, understand the science and see ways to mitigate the spread through isolation and masks, and still such actions are ineffectual with stopping a virus because people have a deep need to be social, to be out and working, and getting on. Human nature is deep seated and not easily changed. There can be a frightful event and people change behaviors for a short time, but then isolation just breaks down. People can't take it. Death starts to look like a risk worth taking. I go to my pharmacy to get the vaccines. I try to be careful around people. But I also understand the reality of how people in general are wired to not be isolated and have aversions to mandated vaccines. As an aware individual one has to just be careful and keep oneself safe by free choice.