Mike, your writing is always engaging and not shy in presenting facts nor in using advanced vocabulary to explain your vision.
I don’t fault you for edging along the curve of hope as you write about our unfolding mega-disasters. It’s helpful to have glimpses of hope because we all know young people who must live with the consequences of continuous-growth capitalism that you explain so well.
Getting to a new paradigm of life on Earth for the next iteration of civilization will require both foresight and fortitude.
The pathway we have to travel now is treacherous. Nature will be in full revolt against the current iteration of human overreach. Nothing we can realistically do over the next 10 years (or less) will stop the trajectory that’s been set.
Difficult changes are unfolding on an ever accelerating timeline. Nothing in the news of 2024 indicates that our trajectory is slowing.
Any world leader, political structure, business model, or economic ideal will be crushed by the imperatives of natural phenomena reacting to population overshoot, ecological destruction, and rapidly rising atmospheric carbon dioxide release from our unprecedented burning fossil fuels. Buckle up!