Mike you have described our current “civil war” very well. Old people engaging in cosplay in an arena full of suckers is an apt summary. However, restoring the commons in a post-capitalist paradise is unlikely to happen in the absence of some cataclysmic blow up of the exploitive systems that trap us in our fancy stadium of greed that we call the American economy. We have no way forward to a political system of democratic socialism in the US given that our constitutional foundations were written to empower the slave holders at the very birth of the USA. And now with radical conservatives running the Supreme Court we have been launched on a trajectory that will allow individual states to assert foundational power again as federal structures that shield the weak (both people and nature) from predation are canceled. We will become a “nation” of fiefdoms that are free to allow the powerful few to exploit the masses through cruel laws and rigged economic structures. Until of course our ever worsening climate emergency resets the rules and plunges human society into a Darwinian struggle for basic survival. It will be a hard reset for humanity unless by some miracle we become wise and discerning citizens who stand together to save ourselves from folly.