Julia, your summary of the capitalist agenda of wealth accumulation at the expense of life, and the antidote of direct democracy as a means to reform energy capitalism represents a voice of hopeful truth. You present a goal to strive for. Conversely, your honest assessment also serves the pessimist. Our timeframe is so short (25 years max) to reverse CO2 before a climate feedback loop dooms us that it’s likely the energy capitalists will be true to form and fight all change that hurts carbon until it’s too late. My pessimistic view is that humankind (and the rest of life on earth) will have to struggle through severe collapse before a non-carbon, energy infrastructure can be realized to support a radically depopulated planet (perhaps down to one billion people). Or, if all humans die and all scientific knowledge dies, then the earth will reboot into a “next world” with new forms of life. But, perhaps, we can walk the knife edge we are on at present and defeat the grizzly monster of carbon capitalism as you propose. It will be a struggle. I believe there will be much death and collapse before minds are focused. Human creativity is powerful when it works toward a focused goal. And, we have to cooperate with Nature or she will erase us.