If continuous growth Darwinian-like capitalism (and its dependence on extravagant use of fossil fuels) is the underlying cause of our unfolding climate crisis, then the destructive mindset of the MAGA Republicans is an assault on the complex interdependence of the continuous-growth model that keeps society as we know it running. Sudden failure of America's current model of governance would cause a financial doomsday. The unknowable intricacies of our capitalist system mean that no one faction of lunatics could control the unraveling of American military power or the end of our country's financial dominance with the dollar remaining hegemonic. One outcome might be fascism at a national level causing civil war, another outcome might be a sudden disintegration into regional hegemony and separation of governable states from the lunatic havens of gun nuts and "Christian" nationalists; and yet other outcome might be foreign military opportunists fighting to carve up the American states into vassal regions ruled by China, Russia, Mexico, and Canada. Negative results (from the standpoint of continuous growth capitalism) would be a global financial depression, the end of American style capitalism, and widespread population decline through war and starvation. All of it would be great news for nature, with the exception of nuclear war and radiation fallout. But all and all it would be a radical reboot of economic and political organization globally. In the end the MAGA crowd might be the agents of what all the anti-capitalists and climate warriors have been striving to bring forward--collapse of fossil-fueled powered modernity.