I found your essay to be illuminating on the subject of a possible new civil war for the US of A. Interpretation and elucidation of past events brought forward to the present is a special art. I think your writing on the topic is balanced and cautionary. That said, trying to project future actions of potential civil war cannot assume that our world on which we live and make decisions day-to-day will be a static, background environment. It seems inevitable that the global over-heating crisis that is completely present in our consciousness now will exert more and more disruption into politics, economics, food production, migration, collapse of complexity, and just our general odds for survival. A so-called “civil war” in a fight for democracy will be overwhelmed by the existential implosion of human life as we have known it during what was a time of a climate Eden. Hell comes now. A good-old cosplay civil war will seem nostalgic.