I admit I’m being defeatist in my thinking, but the climate emergency we are facing is so far along that electric vehicles are not going to provide a means to reduce CO2 output to any degree that would reverse the disasters that are already coming this year and the years beyond right up to the point of major catastrophe and collapse—which could begin as early as 2025 to 2030. There is just no way our economic paradigms built on fossil fuels and unlimited growth will change quickly enough to save us from the exponential “Bomb Time” of the complicated feedback loops that will push the planet into another climate reality by 2050. Life is going to get really difficult really fast. Wise governments should be acting now to hunker down in a prepared way to keep the essential bits of civilization going as we ride the coming “difficulties” into a new climate reality. No one can really know what awaits the men, women, and children of the coming 22nd Century. Or maybe it will be known as Year One of the New Era.