How does the push by Republicans to weaponize the USA debit ceiling limit to the point of default fit in as a “bargaining” chip for the elites to extract cuts in federal government spending on targeted social programs (and Democratic “green” priorities)?
True default would be a massive uncontrolled experiment in political gamesmanship that could easily destroy the elite world of interlocking controls, propaganda, and market-built wealth.
There would be massive social upheaval if the government suddenly stops paying its obligations to its citizens and stops federal money transfers to the states.
The political consequences of such a deliberate crash into fiscal turmoil would be a roaring storm not controllable by any of the denizens of our ruling class.
Because of the unpredictable consequences of a hard debt default, I find it difficult to take the Republican threats as absolute positions. Gamesmanship: yes. A desired direction into a political unknown: no.