Generally I agree with your assessment of our predicament regarding our climate emergency and Russia’s aggression that includes war crimes, etc. The planet’s climate is being forced into a rapid transition phase by man’s quest for unlimited growth using fossil fuels (primarily). I’m less optimistic (than you) that our survival timeline will allow 20 years before everything goes sideways. If we have not already pushed past the point where our flooding of Earth’s atmosphere with CO2 ensures calamity it seems certain that by 2025 we will reach the tipping point. And beyond 2025 the climate induced disasters beyond that tipping point will accelerate exponentially into 2050 no matter what we do. Beyond 2050 (assuming that billions of humans have already perished from heatwaves, floods, famines, and war (perhaps nuclear) the Earth may have some natural feedback mechanisms that will allow a new normal to stabilize as a remnant of humanity regroups. One can also make an argument that Russia and China are acutely aware of how precarious our climate situation is now. I would argue that a decision has been made by the leadership of Russia and China that war is the best option for securing resources within a survivable part of the European-Asian landmass. The other calculation for war now is that the human population needs to be reduced by five or more billions of people as quickly as possible so that the planet can begin to reset. Russia in particular has a brutal outlook with regards to life and survival by any means necessary. And China is happy to partner with Russia for the privilege of accessing Russian oil, grain, minerals and more. The Chinese leaders also have no qualms about killing off millions of their own inhabitants if that’s what it takes to survive through a planetary climate reset. Russia is using the mere threat of its nuclear arsenal even today to make the West hesitant about expanding the “Ukrainian” war beyond defense and into a blistering offensive move that would take Russian territory. Russia is using both offense and defense in this current war. The West is left (for now) with only defense. That one-sided approach to war allows Russia to win by attrition. And within the USA itself we are already divided into factions that will weaken us for any kind of military offensive toward Russia or even a concerted effort to reverse use of fossil fuels. I think we have placed ourselves in a corner in a house of horrors. There is no escape without there also being bloody calamity.