Anthony, thank you for your article. People should attempt to act in positive ways to limit CO2 emissions and so forth. We have to try. However, I believe a significant amount of destruction from our climate emergency is already locked in now and for the coming decades. If my assessment is correct, the direct impacts of climate events (flood, fire, storm, heat, etc.) will be accelerating in their area of coverage , destructive power, and frequency going forward. And there will be many secondary effects such as survival migration, scarcity of resources, infrastructure disruption, political instability, inflation, social collapse, military aggression, and so on. There will be places that support survival as uninhabitable places rapidly expand. But the overall result over the coming decades leading up to the end of this century will be to significantly shrink the human population that will remain to live on a much hotter planet with a dramatically altered biosphere that will last for thousands of years. The change we see happening know in bits and pieces is the beginning build up to what will be a sudden explosion of climate catastrophe over the entire planet—pole to pole—that will be driven by the greenhouse gases that are already present in Earth’s upper atmosphere. The developing changes caused by that trapped CO2 will be really bad and painfully obvious to everyone no later than 2035 in my opinion. Panic is not far off. The timeline of accelerating destruction and disruption will make it extremely difficult for our individual societies to come to a coordinated plan of action to save ourselves in a gradual transition out of our current economic hyper-structures that depend on the burning of fossil fuels to power continuous growth. A bloodthirsty tyrant with nukes might try to force a solution on everyone but that wouldn’t end well either.